A house portrait commissioned by the Sapata family, Erik and Gabrielle.
Creative Mornings/Cincinnati Coloring Pages
During our physical events (paused in March 2020 for the foreseeable future due to COVID-19), I assisted in facilitating and creating a monthly 24”x36” coloring page for attendees to color before and after the event.
Loreto House Portrait
A house portrait made as a Christmas present for my aunt and her family. Made using Schmincke watercolors.
All Stories are True
All Stories are True Handlettering. Quote from The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.
The Forgotten Leviathan
A watercolor illustration created for Dina Norlund’s Art Jam for her Patrons! The theme was forgotten gods.
Made using Schmincke watercolors on Arches Cold Pressed watercolor paper and inked using a dip pen and Sailor Nano Sei-Boku ink.
Hope Grows
A watercolor illustration created for Dina Norlund’s Art Jam for her Patrons! The theme was sprout.
Made using Schmincke watercolors on Arches Cold Pressed watercolor paper and inked using a dip pen and Sailor Nano Sei-Boku ink.
February DoodleWash Illustration Challenge 2019
During the month of February, I took up the DoodleWash Flora and Fauna challenge to draw something everyday. I furthered the challenge by attempting to create a full illustration out of the prompt, and these were the results.
Inktober 2018
A selection of images created during Inktober 2018.
World Watercolor Month 2018
A selection of illustrations from July 2018 (World Watercolor Month by Doodlewash)