A design created to celebrate the renowned Murder House of Barovia, Durst Manor. A fan art design of Dungeons and Dragons, currently available on Redbubble (but who knows how long it will last there due to OGL).
Radenso Labs Branding
Radenso Radar has launched a secondary unit of the business: Radenso Labs. It is a way for engineers and small businesses to get assistance and advice from Radenso, who has gone through the arduous process of producing electronic equipment.
Logos created for Radenso Labs, based heavily on the Radenso brand already established.
A logo created for the flagship product of Radenso Labs: SampleBeast. Currently in production.
Radenso Theia, Powered by Rai
R&D at Radenso Radar created the world’s first radar detector ever to be powered by artificial intelligence. We decided to name the artificial intelligence we used as Rai and brand it as a helpful, powerful industry game-changer.
Radenso Radar Rebrand
Radenso Radar decided to go in a new direction with their branding. As their inhouse designer, it was my job to come up with a new brand that encapsulated their values and future.