set painting

Decision Height

Served as scenic artist and assistant Technical Director of the play Decision Height at Saint Ursula Academy. The play ran from March 30-April 2, 2023.

Decision height (DH) is a specified height above the ground in an instrument approach procedure at which the pilot must decide whether to initiate an immediate missed approach if the pilot does not see the required visual reference, or to continue the approach. Decision height is expressed in feet above ground level.


Set Decoration of a foam cutout AT-6 plane

Avenger Field Typography and Design

Mamma Mia (SUA Production)

Working high school theatre, there are bound to be repeat productions. This is my second time doing scenic work for Mamma Mia, this time at Saint Ursula Academy April 7- 10 2022.

Featuring a static set, with a ramp stage left that was painted with stones. There was also a dock stage right, and furniture rolled on to indicate Donna’s bedroom.

Donna and the Dynamos Poster created by me for the production.

Production staff photo, and a better look at the scumbling on the taverna.