Served as Technical Director of Props, Set Decoration, and Paint crews for Beauty and the Beast (May 2-5, 2019) at Anderson High School.
Hope Grows
A watercolor illustration created for Dina Norlund’s Art Jam for her Patrons! The theme was sprout.
Made using Schmincke watercolors on Arches Cold Pressed watercolor paper and inked using a dip pen and Sailor Nano Sei-Boku ink.
February DoodleWash Illustration Challenge 2019
During the month of February, I took up the DoodleWash Flora and Fauna challenge to draw something everyday. I furthered the challenge by attempting to create a full illustration out of the prompt, and these were the results.
She Kills Monsters
Served as Technical Director of Props, Set Decoration, and Paint crews for She Kills Monsters (February 8-10, 2019) at Anderson High School.
All photos taken by me.
Bat Boy
Served as Technical Director of Props, Set Decoration, and Paint crews for Bat Boy at Anderson High School.
Inktober 2018
A selection of images created during Inktober 2018.
Magic Tethers
Magical runes created for a Dungeons and Dragons campaign.
Mr. Burns: A Post Electric Play
Properties Designer
World Watercolor Month 2018
A selection of illustrations from July 2018 (World Watercolor Month by Doodlewash)